Gender Reveal DNA Test | Labstogo

 Labstogo offers a Gender Reveal DNA Test at an affordable price. Peekaboo looks for male DNA in the fetal DNA found in mom's blood sample. In the case of identical twins, if male DNA is found, then both babies are boys. If no male DNA is found, then both babies are girls. For fraternal twins, finding male DNA means at least one baby is a boy, but cannot distinguish if the second is a boy or girl. Using the most exacting scientific approach and the very latest in DNA science, the Peekaboo home gender test can determine if pink or blue is in your future with 99.5% accuracy. FAST GENDER BABY TEST RESULTS IN AS FEW AS 1-2 DAYS. Baby gender detection at 7 weeks. Most affordably-priced early genders reveal DNA tests in the market. Visit our website:



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