DNA Testing

Genetic testing, commonly referred to as DNA testing, is a scientific method used to evaluate a person's genetic makeup and learn important information about their inherited traits, health risks, and ancestry. Deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA), the essential component of life found in the cells of all living things, is analyzed in this intriguing procedure. DNA testing's primary goal is to decipher each person's genetic code. Three billion nucleotide base pairs, or the entire set of a person's DNA, make up the human genome, which is organized in a certain order. These base pairs are arranged into 23 pairs of chromosomes, one set of which is inherited from each parent, forming the double helix structure that resembles a twisted ladder. Examining specific areas of a person's genome to find changes, known as genetic markers, that can shed light on various elements of their biology is the main goal of DNA testing . The markers may be connected to certain characteristics, med...