Why perform random drug testing on employees?

Companies drug test their employees while hiring, and never again. It is not the right to practice. To ensure a healthy work environment in the offices, companies should consider performing random drug testing. It is an effective way to find out whether your employees are devoted to their job responsibilities or not. There are plenty of other benefits of getting your employees drug tested from time to time. Let’s talk about a few of the most significant benefits of obtaining random drug testing in Virginia : Ensure honesty at the workplace: Honesty is the best policy to ensure the healthy growth of your business. So, you must ensure that your workers are honest about their jobs, else your employees may mar your business anytime. You may never know what kinds of the drug has developed its addiction into which one of your employees. Hence, it is vitally crucial to test them from time to time. Remember, you need to do it randomly so that your employees may never guess that they are going ...